Hey There, We’ve got a question for you.
Do you miss looking younger? Is your face aging, thinning, sagging or getting more and more wrinkles. Are you considering EmFace, Co2 or other non-surgical or surgical face lift options? If this is you, did you know it’s possible to actually roll back the clock on your skin age up to 10 years depending on your age? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, the NeoGen™ Plasma Skin Regeneration (PSR) System makes rolling back your skin age happen all the time! We are proud to offer NeoGen™ Plasma, a revolutionary new non-surgical facelift treatment and winner of the 2022 Aesthetic Awards for Best Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation Enhancement. Have you asked yourself, how many years younger do you want to look? With NeoGen™, the breakthrough solution makes it possible to roll back the clock on your skin.
The next generation of technology is here to improve your aesthetic appearance.
This Simple Non-Surgical Non Ablative Medical Procedure Supports Creation of Collagen III And Is Scientifically Proven To Create Substantial Improvements in Volumetric Change of Tissues, Tightens Eyelids & Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes, Creates Lifting of Face, Improves Skin Elasticity & Tightens Skin, Reduces Wrinkles, Improves Pigmentation, Improves Acnes & Scars, with the Ability to Treat Pre-Cancerous Actinic Keratoses Skin Cells.
For patients that want to avoid needles or fillers,
NeoGen™ offers an incredible non-surgical face lift solution by supporting elastin and the production of collagen III which results in substantial improvement in volumetric change in the tissue. There is nothing like NeoGen™ Plasma with respect to results. Unlike ablative technologies there is no epidermal vaporisation or charring caused at time of treatment. NeoGen™ converts nitrogen gas into plasma energy, the fourth state of matter. The plasma emerges from the handpiece in controlled pulses and rapid heating of tissue occurs as it gives up its unique thermal energy to tissue. The NeoGen™ Plasma Skin Regeneration (PSR) System is the only device that uses Nitrogen plasma for skin regeneration. NeoGen™ Plasma has two energy categories, high and low energy. NeoGen™ FDA Approved indications include wrinkes, acne vulgaris, actinic keratosis, Seborrhoeic Keratosis, Viral Papiloma and Pigmented Lesions.
If you are considering non-surgical facelift options such as EmFace, CO2 solutions, watch the video above about NeoGen™ before you select your treatment and understand the differences between NeoGen™ versus alternative non-surgical options. NeoGen™ blows away these types of alternative treatments, and, at a lower cost. Just look at the comparison table and before and after photos below to see for yourself. Plus there are added benefits of NeoGen such as it’s ability to treat pre-cancerous skin cells.
$1,200 to $3,600
$5,000 to $6,000
$2,750 to $6,000
We believe it’s important to get 3D imaging before and after treatments to determine how they are working. If you’re evaluating non-surgical facelift treatments, don’t you think it would be good idea for the practice be doing 3D imaging before and after treatments?
A 69 year old patient had a facial analysis done with the Emage Image Pro® Sunlite. pre NeoGen treatment measuring her skin age to be 71. At 10 days post treatment, her skin had improved and was measuring at 66 yrs! Skin improvements continue over the next 90 days, literally taking years off the patient’s face! Incredibly, this patient looked 5 YEARS younger within just 10 days of treatment.